
Got a sneak peek of the new features in Starchive’s pro plan. This changes what is possible.

P.A. production Studio owner and creator

$60/ per month (annually) or $600 /year

Everything in Plus, and:
5 members included. Additional Pro features. Volume storage discounts over 5TB.

Storgage (included)

1TB + metered

Members (included)

5 Members

View and Stream audio images, videos, documents

Private ‘Workspace’ and unlimited ‘Collections’

Share unlimited amount of streaming/download links 

Password protected sharing

Drag and Drop support uploading files and folders

Create and manage unlimited ‘Collections’ 

Folders and support for nested subfolders

AI generated auto tags

Request files upload links

Create and batch edit tags and custom fields

Generate file embed codes

Canva, Dropbox, Google Drive, Zoom integration

Intuitive search and filters

Native IOS and Android mobile app

Connect digital wallet and mint NFTs 

Infinite Storage

Invite (additional) members

Access permision control

Desktop Uploader

Priority Support

Audio and Video, Clipping

Image Editing and Filters

Import / Export CSV ‘custom fields’ metadata

Export and Share multiple formats

Plug into AI and Generative Art Services

Audio and Video  Transcripts

API Developer Access

Personal AI powered
‘Virtual Archivist’