Dear beginner, technology frightened soul, wayward one afraid you’ll screw it up
Ok look it. I am you. I know you. I get you. Everytime I get a new app I stare at it and wonder why I’m so dumb that I can’t figure it out. It’s like there’s an “ON” button that everyone else sees that magically my brain can’t seem to discover. So I stare and I stare. Then I stare some more. And yup, I turn the app off.
So the idea of getting my photos, audio and videos into some form of organization throws me into supreme panic. I literally want to reach for scotch and a Xanax. I don’t do order. I don’t do structure. I hyperventilate at the thought of folders and spreadsheets. I create things. I do not coordinate or house them. And yes, It’s embarrassing when others seem to gravitate to technology with such relative ease and I don’t.
Good news my disorganized flock of seagull friends. Starchive does it for you.
Literally. I’m not bullshitting you. If Tyler can find order you can too. You sign up for the app, hit upload and Bob’s your uncle … your files start to find themselves. I tell you, that Peter Agelasto is a cross between Beehtoven and Steve Jobs.
If Apple and Dropbox had a baby it’s name would be Starchive.
How? You see when you put media files into Starchive they find connections and connections make you organized. It’s some sort of martian AI metadata stuff Peter has dreamed up. All I know is that it works and I can find my files. And after ten years of podcasting and a lifetime of abstract painting I have a lot of files.
One more thing … It’s actually fun. It’s like watching all your little kids (media files) form relationships. You actually enjoy the act of getting organized. So literally all you have to do is take a page out of the NIKE handbook … “Just Do It.”
Upload your files into Starchive and watch the magic happen. It’s not work. It’s fun
Do More. Creating.
The other Tyler the Creator
There are no screw ups in Starchive.

IBC 2024: Starchive Announces Strategic Collaboration with Seagate Lyve Cloud Object Storage
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE IBC 2024: Starchive Announces Strategic Collaboration with Seagate Lyve Cloud Object Storage to Expand Functionality for Media & Entertainment Industry Starchive to Augment Seagate’s Best-in-Class Data Storage with AI-Enhanced Metadata and...

Starchive connects musicians, labels, and artist management through access to a central vault
Recently, we received this great question: “I wonder if you may be able to help me? I am working with an artist management company to help them to manage the many audio and visual assets they hold for the artists they support. I am searching for a suitable...

Help! I want to save my TikTok videos!
If TikTok is banned what happens to your videos? President Biden confirmed his support for a Congressional bill that could result in a nationwide ban on TikTok. “If they pass it, I’ll sign it,” he told reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland’s Prince George’s...

Calling all creatives!
You’re an artist and your gigs have been canceled. You’re a manager scrambling to support your artists during this unprecedented time. You’re a content creator stuck at home staring at your stacks of hard drives and thinking about what to do next. What can you be doing to set yourself up for success right now?

IBC 2024: Starchive Announces Strategic Collaboration with Seagate Lyve Cloud Object Storage
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE IBC 2024: Starchive Announces Strategic Collaboration with Seagate Lyve Cloud Object Storage to Expand Functionality for Media & Entertainment Industry Starchive to Augment Seagate’s Best-in-Class Data Storage with AI-Enhanced Metadata and...

Starchive connects musicians, labels, and artist management through access to a central vault
Recently, we received this great question: “I wonder if you may be able to help me? I am working with an artist management company to help them to manage the many audio and visual assets they hold for the artists they support. I am searching for a suitable...

Help! I want to save my TikTok videos!
If TikTok is banned what happens to your videos? President Biden confirmed his support for a Congressional bill that could result in a nationwide ban on TikTok. “If they pass it, I’ll sign it,” he told reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland’s Prince George’s...

Calling all creatives!
You’re an artist and your gigs have been canceled. You’re a manager scrambling to support your artists during this unprecedented time. You’re a content creator stuck at home staring at your stacks of hard drives and thinking about what to do next. What can you be doing to set yourself up for success right now?